A letter to my future daughter

2 min readMar 19, 2018

Dear Nyasa,

Yes that’s your name, taken from the ‘Narad Bhakti Sutra’. It means the one who is centered, who doesn’t get affected by the outside world. And that’s what I aspire you to be- A beautiful girl, who is not afraid to show her true emotions to the world, who doesn’t compromise on her feelings , who knows how to be indifferent and yet sensitive towards others.

I read somewhere, that when you control your emotions, refine your thoughts and purify your mind, it improves your DNA and eventually your future generations’ too. It’s something that I’ve been working on a lot. I hope all this comes naturally to you, fingers crossed!

They say life is not easy. I say it is the easiest for us humans. You have the intellect to take the right decisions, and even if you make the wrong ones, you’ll learn and evolve. It is as easy or as complicated as you make it. And I hope you will choose to make it easy.

You will face heartbreaks in life, but choose to move on. It won’t be easy, but with time you’ll realize that there are far more important things in life. Like loving yourself and loving the people to whom you matter.

Respect yourself enough to walk away from hurtful people and situations. Nobody and nothing is worth your peace of mind.

Never doubt yourself. You think the world is moving too fast? Well, let it! You take your time to discover yourself. Work on yourself and do what makes you happy. DO NOT COMPROMISE ON WHO YOU ARE, JUST TO FIT IN.

When you see someone else succeed, don’t be jealous, be inspired. Learn from their experiences, listen to their stories. It will help you later in life, trust me.

Be a true feminist. Bring peace, not war. Be fair, be just. Support other women, Girl Power!

Take stand, for yourself and for others. Even if the whole world is against you, never back off. Support what’s right and believe in your instincts. Eventually you’ll win.

No matter what happens in life, be kind to people, being kind is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.

And last but not the least, remember, Mom will always love you, no matter what!

Love you tons.

Your Mother,

Amisha Thakur




I mostly write about the way I feel about things.